Wednesday, April 21, 2004


I was sick as a DOG Monday night. I had the pulled pork from the company cafeteria monday and spend monday night from 8pm til 4am puking my guts out! Apparently I wasn't the only one. I talked with the barista this morning and apparently it made her sick also (but not nearly as sick as it made me).

And here's a little note about the hypocrisy of prayer. It seems to me that most Christians believe that their God has some sort of plan for them and for the world in general. So my question is, "if God has a plan, why do you pray to ask for things to go a certain way?" People pray for all kinds of things; a football team to win, lottery numbers, to pass a test and even to get pregnant. It's this last example that got me thinking. My brother was referring to his kids as "gifts from God" the other day because he and his wife had had a lot of trouble getting pregnant so they started praying asking God to help them get pregnant. Now, it seems to me, that by the Christian mind set of God having a plan, then praying to ask him to give you something that may not be part of his plan might be a bit presumptuous. Do you really think you're going to change the mind of some being who's supposed to be all-know, all-powerful and has everything planned out through the end of eternity? Is God supposed to rewrite his plan to appease your whims and desires?

I don't think these people really think about what they're doing and the whole absurdity of it all. They say they believe one thing but act like they believe something else. See what I mean? They SAY that they believe their God has a plan, but in practice, they act like they can convince God to change the very laws of nature to suit their wishes. I think that they SAY that God has a plan only to try to put some meaning behind the more disturbing aspect of life. Like when a young child dies or someone they love gets an incurable disease. It's more comforting for them to say that it's all part of God's great plan and that to him all the tragedy somehow makes sense and our minds are just too feeble to be able to comprehend it all rather than saying that sometimes life just stinks. But that's the way it is. Sometimes it's great. Other times... not so much.


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