Monday, August 29, 2005

Happy Burthday!

So Friday night we took Terri out for sushi for her birthday. Terri and I split a "sushi boat" that included a "fuck of a lot of food." Somehow after eating our way through that, Terri was still hungry and wanting something spicy so Jon and Sara suggested the "Kiss of Death" sushi roll (which showed up on the bill as "The kiss of the death" roll"). Terri ordered it. The KoD sushi roll contains jalapenos, wasabi, hot sauce, hot mustard and who know what else. Terri popped one in her mouth and acted like she'd just bit into a scorpion. But she managed to choke it down. Then John (not Jon) tried one. He seemed to get it down ok, albeit with some trouble. Then Shelly tried one and immediatly regretted it, but she too managed to keep it down. I tried one and failed to see what the fuss was about. Sure it was hot, but it wasn't like painful or anything. It had a nice after effect of an oil-like coaring on the back of your throat so that if you inhaled sharply you could get a bit more of the spice. Then Terri ate another one. This seemed to be her fatal mistake. After she ate that one, she spent the next 10 minutes in the bathroom. Everyone was feeling bad for her (except me). I've seen her do this kind of thing to herself before. She was getting no pity from me. I caught a little grief from everyone else for that, but that's OK.

Terri had mostly recovered by the next morning. I explained to her that I thought about stopping her from ordering it, but didn't feel that I needed to try to protect her from herself. After all, I already have a full time job. She agreed that it was probably best to just let her do that to herself because then she'd at least learn a lesson. That's a nice theory, but she knows just as well as I that she didn't actually learn anything that night and is very likely to do it again.

To add insult to injury... Last night we were in the playroom playing with Dee when Terri got up on all fours and asked Dee if she wanted a "horsey ride." Dee enthusiasticly said "Ha Ha" (that means yes) and ran right past Terri to the living room where she jumped on her plastic rocking horse and started riding! The look on Terri's face was great! Fortunately I was running the video camera at the time. I'll see if I can't post the video of this later.


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