Thursday, July 29, 2004

Language Skills

Dee has mastered a few words. Please note that I use the word "mastered" quite loosely. To that extent I mean that she can sa a few words well enough that you can understand what she is saying. These words are: Dada, Go, Diaper, Hello, Bye Bye, Bathroom and Elwood (the name of our pet rat). One word that you may notice as being particularly absent from that list is Mama. Mama is currently Da (I'm Dada). This has made Terri quite chagrined. To make it worse, Dee has recently added a new word to her vocabulary. Unfortunately I don't know what it means because it's in Rat.

That's right she's talking to Elwood in his own language. Elwood makes a noise sometime's that between a snort and a sneeze and Dee's been imitating that. Terri about lost it last night when she first heard her do it. It's very cute, Elwood will do it and then Dee will mimic him. Yes, looks like we have our own little Dr. Doolittle.

Incidentally, I recently put some new pictures of Dee online. These are part of her continuing adventures in self-feeding. They are at:


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