Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Monthly Post

Well it's been almost a month since I posted anything here. So here's the big update.

We've finally moved into our new corporate headquarters here at work. It's very nice and new. Lots of nice new tech. But there are a few drawbacks. they put one of our work areas WAAAAAY on the other side of our campus so we have to hike all the way over there to do any testing in the screen room. We've ended up with a lot less space than we had in the old building, so we're having to be creative about where to put stuff. Overall I like it, but it's going to take some time to get used to it.

Dee's walking very well now. She actually ran a little yesterday. She picked up a couple of her shoes, held them over her head, let out a squeel and ran down the hall. She's learning new things every day. It's fun to watch her play and discover how the world works.


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