Monday, August 30, 2004

A Moving Story...

Well, we're in our new house. And most of our stuff is here too. More on that later. First, I'm going to bitch about the cabee company.

Just over a month ago when it became apparent that we were definately getting this house and we had a firm move date, I began calling the utility companies to schedule having our services activated. I called the Fort Worth Water Department, SBC, TXU and others. The last that I called was Charter Communications to get our cable hook-up scheduled. Now, when I called these other companies they all told me that there was still an active customer living at the address I was scheduling to move to. But after I explained that they were moving out and I was moving in, they had no problem scheduling the switch. The cable company was a different story. They claimed that they couldn't even schedule my connection until the person moving out had scheduled his dosconnection otherwise the system would disconnect him immediately. That's right. They're computer would see that someone else was scheduled to get new service at that address a month down the road and therefore disconnect the service that's still there because it hasn't been scheduled to be disconnected. The only thing they could reccomend was that I keep calling back to see when the other guy scheduled his disconnect (I had no direct contact with the seller). He finally scheduled to have it turned off the week we were closing on the house. So I scheduled to have it turned back on the next week. Now understand this... I didn't tell them I wanted it immediately or that they had to cram it into the middle of an installer's schedule for the next day. I gave them a whole week before it needed to be done. We scheduled it for the next Tuesday.

They could only tell me that the installer would be there "sometime Tuesday." But that was no big deal either since I'd already planned on being at the new house all that day anyway to work on the house getting it ready for our move. However, 8pm rolled around and no cable guy. So I called them and they said that the installer was stalled on another job and wouldn't be able to get out there that night. So we rescheduled for Friday morning. Friday afternoon rolls around and still no installer. So I call them back. This time they have absolutely no record that the installation had been resceduled from Tuesday to Friday. They could see in the records that the installation time had been missed but no indication that it had been rescheduled.

By this time I was hot! Terri was supposed to start back to work on Monday and was supposed to use the cable connection to access her work until they got her iDSL set up. So they promised me the sun and moon and an instalation on Saturday. Guess what? That's right! No installer showed up on Saturday either! After AGAIN explaining that my wife needed this connection for her work the only thing they could offer was to reschedule for Monday. So when he asked if morning or afternoon would be better. I told them to go ahead and schedule it for the morning. That way when they're not there by noon I can go ahead and call in and bitch at them again. Now guess what? I've just called in to confirm the appointment this morning and they say that it's not even scheduled for this morning!


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