Sunday, August 22, 2004

Work Work Work Work Water?

Did quite a bit of work preparing the new house today. Most of it seemed to involve pulling a steam cleaner around the house. Oops! Sorry, it's not a steam cleaner, it's a "water extractor" as the guy at home depot made very clear to me. Whatever! As long as it gets the carpets clean.

My parents and my brother and his family also came out to see the new house. They were suitably impressed (or at least said they were). My brother did comment that all the way over he was saying to himself, "please don't let it be a shit hole." Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kevin!

Later tonight, we had to go back and put the trash bins out on the curb because I forgot that Monday is trash day at the new house. So we took the opportunity to take a van load of stuff over that we don't really want the movers to handle. On the way back, Terri had given Dee a sippy cup to drink out of with some water in it. The great thing about sippy cups is that they're pretty much spil-proof. About half-way back home I noticed some unusual noises coming from Dee and the sippy cup but since Terri was sitting in the back with her, I didn't really pay it much attention. Then Terri said to Dee, "do you want some more?" I thought this was very unusual as I don't recall EVER seeing her empty a sippy cup. But Terri confirmed that the lid was still on tight so she gave her some more water. Then she noticed what Dee had been doing. Apparently she'd decided that she needed to circumvent the "spill-proof" feature of the cup by sucking the water out then spitting it out down her front. She was soaked from neck to toe and there wasn't really anything we could do about it till we got home. Of course Terri took the water away from her and that made her mad. Then she started getting unconfortable becasuse she was wet and cold. Needless to say, it was quite a fun ride back across Fort Worth.


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