Monday, January 03, 2005

My Daughter Has a Job

My daughter's job is to play with her toys. She's very good at her job. I can gauge her performance when I get home by how many toys are on the floor and how scattered they are.

At night when she goes to bed I put her toys up. Eventually we'll teach her to do it herself, but for now I do it. I can tell when she's had a good day by the number of toys left in her toy bin. When she's not feeling well, most of the toys will still be in her bin when I get home. On some nights, there's hardly any toys left in there at all so I know that she had a very good day.

Yesterday was a good day. There were hardly any toys left in the bin and the ones that were out were scattered all over the house. She even had to take an hour or so off yesterday to go to the doctor. Even with that, she still managed to put in a very full day with the toys.

I know a lot of people use going to the doctor as an excuse to do only a half-day's work. But see, you can learn something from this baby. She's got such a good work ethic that she won't slack off just because she had to take some time out in the middle of her day to go see the doctor.

So next time you're looking for an excuse to take off work early, just remember my little girl and her toy blocks. If she can get right back in there and finish what she needs to do, there's no reason you can't also.


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