Monday, September 12, 2005

Grapefest and stuff

Saturday I spent all day over in Dallas with one of the producers of Deadly Bachelor Party Bachelor Party Massacre. I'm editing the behind-the-scenes video and there were some changes he wanted. Basically he wanted to see more of himself in the footage. So I spent several hours over in Dallas working on that with him. But we finally got it finished. Now I just have to go back in and layer in the background music and it'll be finished.

Sunday we went to the Humanist Fellowship pot luck. I usually don't go to those things because it seems a bit like church to me, but Terri and Dee have been going and they seem to enjoy it. I went yesterday because it was just a potluck dinner and then we were gonna go to Grapefest.

The potluck was ok, but it was pretty true to it's name. We had chili, chicken and dumplings, stuffed mushrooms and a rice pilaf. But I guess that's about what you can expect when there's only 6 adults there (four of them being comprised of two couples). Anyway, it was fun and we played some games. Then we went to Grapefest.

Grapefest is a lot like the Main Street Arts festival in Fort Worth. The main difference between the two is that Grapfest doesn't have nearly the crowds. That makes it a lot more preferable to me. However, I'm typically bored with these places after an hour or so. So I spend the rest of the time just wandering around waiting to leave.

But it was fun, they had some good music and I bought a map. So I came away happy.

We got home around 6:30 and ordered a pizza. Pizza Hut does something that really bugs me. I order the pizza on the internet using my credit card. The billing address on the card matches the address they are delivering to, so there shouldn't be any problems, right? Most of the time, however, the delivery drivers want to see the card and make a rubbing of it on the receipt. This is just stupid. They claim that they can't process it without the rubbing. I understand (thanks to a friend of mine) that that's probably technically the case, but they DON'T DO IT EVERY TIME! In fact, on several occasions, I've ordered a pizza for the baby sitter and then left (with my card) but they still deliver the pizza ok. I could understand that if I was having it delivered to someplace other than the address that the card is billed to, but even then, they don't check my ID against the card or even check the card numbers against what's on the receipt. I could hand them any card and they'd rub it and it'd probably go through without a single problem because who's gonna check all of those receipts?


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