Monday, November 21, 2005

MBCG3AM Final Update

Here's the final tally on the Monopoly Best Chance Game 3.0 at McDonald's.

Envelopes sent: about 1000 (I lost count)

Envelopes received: about 1000 (I lost count again)

Best buy buck coupons received: 968

Copies of the rules stating that Best Buy bucks would only be sent out as long as supplies last: about 30.

Total invested in postage and envelopes: $750.

Total amount received in Best Buy Bucks: $1613.

Profit: +$863

I had to make several trips to Best Buy as you are only allowed to spend a max of $300 per visit according to the rules.

Nearly every time I went, the cashier was surprised that I had so many and they were a bit confused about how to handle that many. The management was always suspicious about how I got so many. Apparently they didn't realize that you could get them legally without eating a ton of McD's food.

The last trip was the worst. The managers actually had to confer to determine if I was allowed to have that many. They'd seen me in the store before with a bunch of them and were inquiring again as to how I got so many and whether or not I worked at McDonald's and all manner of stuff.

If we do this again next year I'll probably spread it around a bit. There's no reason in the rules for having to do so, but it could ease the process if the managers aren't seeing me come into the same store over and over with a fist full of best buy bucks every time.


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