Monday, May 10, 2004

Mother's Day Weekend

Well, let's see... last entry was Thursday... Thirsday night was the Friends finale. I'm not really a "Friends watcher" I've seen it on occasion and I think it's pretty cute, so I decided to TiVo the 2 hour finale. I must say that the clip show was a lot better than the last episode. I think they were trying to wrap up too much in one episode, it just felt too jumbled. Also, my TiVo missed the last two minutes or so of the last episode, but it didn't really bother me.

Friday night Terri and I went out to Red, Hot & Blue. That's got to be one of the best chain BBQ places I've ever been to. This wasn't the first time we'd been there, but I just thought I'd give them a plug here.

I had to come in to work Saturday. In order to meet certain goals this month I've got to double-up because one of my coworkers isn't pulling his weight. Unfortunately there's not really much I can do about it. My boss says that he's got other stuff he's got to work on. Of course, when the end of the month comes if we don't have the numbers to meet the goal, it'll somehow be all my fault.

My boss has a problem. Whatever is on the top of his mind is the highest priority regardless of whatever else we may be working on. Therefore, if something comes up he doesn't seem to have any problem telling me to go work on this new thing to the exclusion of all other projects. Of course then, later, he wants to know how we're doing on the other projects and when I tell him that nothings being done on them because he's got me working on this other stuff, he gets all huffy and says, "it should already be done by now." Right! and it probably would be too if I was actually given time to work on it. I think I'm going to take a new tack with him. Next time he comes in and tells me to work on something other than my high-priority projects I'll tell him, "nope, I can't do that until this is finished." It probably won't work, but then at least I might make him reconsider his off-kilter priorities.

My brother makes me sick. He's one of these "job hoppers" I don't think he's been with any single company for more that a couple of years. I keep telling him that it's going to catch up with him. But this weekend I think he proved me wrong. His latest job hop is landing him in a Director's position at an auditing firm and the pay INCREASE that he's getting for going from one job to another is about what I MAKE! We started talking about it and I realized he's probably been right all along. When you stay with one company (an usually in the same job) you're just given "cost of living" raises that don't cover the cost of living increases PLUS they increase how much you've got to pay for things like health insurance and so forth so it really isn't much of an actual raise. But if you switch to another company every few years, you can get a substantial increase in the move to cover the real costs of living. As such, since I've been with this company for Fifteen Fucking Years (!) I'm probably WAY BELOW the standard pay level for my profession. If I can go to another company I'd at least be getting the standard market value of my job. So... time to polish up the resume!

Yesterday we went over to my brother's inlaws for a Mother's Day celebration. Their house has become a standard gathering place for family functions. They've got a big house with a pool and they're wonderful hosts. So we got Dee out into the pool. She wasn't real sure about it, but she didn't completely freak out. She did cling pretty tightly to me and Terri, though. But I guess that's to be expected. We're planning on signing her up for infant swimming lessons this summer.


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