Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Parental Stress Dream

Had a dream Saturday night about losing the baby.

Me, Terri, Dee and a couple of our friends were going to some kiddie place in the dream. We got there and outside the place there was some orphanage asking people to take one of their orphans inside with them so they could have some fun as well. So I pick up one of the kids. Now I'm carrying Dee in one arm and this other kid on the other arm.

The steps leading into this place were very weird. The steps were about 100 ft wide but they were made up of 12 inch square stepping stones with about 4 inches between each stone. Also, as you stepped on each one, they'd randomly move up or down. And not just a little bit either, some of them would move several feet. It seemed as though someone thought this would be a fun entrance and it probably would have been had I not been carrying two infants.

I finally get to the top of the steps with the children and as I turn to go into the main door, I realize that I'm no longer carrying either of the kids! So I start frantically looking around and I tell the friends that I'm with to help me look, but they're nowhere in sight. So we start retracing our steps back to the van (even though I KNOW I got to the top of the steps with the kids). So we get all the way back to the van and I check inside. Inside is one of the friends who came with us asleep with her two children. About then I hear Dee over my shoulder so I spin around. Right next to the parking lot is a cemetery and I see Dee crawling out of the cemetery toward a slight embankment. But before I can get to her she takes a tumble and lands on the pavement, but she's not hurt. I pick her up and squeeze her tight apologizing to her for losing track of her and crying the whole time.

Then I woke up.


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