Friday, July 30, 2004

What's Your Function?

Picked up the Schoolhouse Rock DVD last night. I had forgotten how many of these things there were! I bought this primarily for Dee but I like them too. These songs are the reason my generation was known as the one that couldn't recite the Preamble to the Constitution without singing it.

I had also forgotten there were some religious references in a couple of the songs. The song "Elementary, My Dear" which is about the 2's multiplication table centers around Noah's ark. This doesn't really bug me so much as it's just a story and has no more significance than Interplanet Janet. However, "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" ends with the line "God bless America, let freedom ring." That's a little more annoying but it's just one line. The song "Elbow Room" uses the phrase "In God we trust" several times throughout the song. That's a little more annoying and the song isn't all that great either.

I may end up copying these to a new DVD and leaving out "Elbow Room" and perhaps "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" even though I do like that song. There's also a few others that are a bit out of date like "Interplanet Janet" but I'm undecided on those. But that way we can put the DVD in on random shuffle and get just the ones we want to see.


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