Monday, September 26, 2005

The weekend update with Brit Hume

Filling in for Brit this week will be Neil Patrick Harris.

Filling in for Neil Patrick Harris will be our regular guy, Rick Carey.

Several funny/cool/weird things happened this weekend so I'll try to do a quick recap.


If you run the right decompression scheme on that you'll get the following report:

Friday night we hired a babysitter and went over to some friend's house to have dinner and play some games. Actually A game. Specifically Mississippi Queen. It's a pretty cool riverboat racing game where you gotta stop and pick up a couple of river rats southern belles. There's some good strategy involved and it's pretty easy to play.

When we got back to the house we found out that Dee fussed almost the entire time we were gone. Terri felt bad for the sitter. Dee had done that several times for ME when Terri had to go off somewhere and I had to babysit.

Saturday we spent a lot of the day unpacking boxes that we'd had in "storage" (storage being defined as stacked in the hallway).

A lot of the stuff is going up on eBay (after all it's been in the boxes unmissed for about a year!)

Sunday were were supposed to go to Grapevine for the DFW Ethical Fellowship's Talk Like a Pirate Game Day. According to Terri, we were supposed to be there at 11am and then by noon we'd be heading somewhere to get some lunch and then back home. Normally Terri and Dee go to these things by themselves and I stay home and get work done. But I figured I'd tag a long this time. I figured that we'd be done with lunch by 1pm and we could stop at Fry's and a couple of other places on the way home and I could be home by 3pm with plenty of time to get some more work done around the house.

It didn't work out that way.

Around 11am we're noticing that we're the only ones at the fellowship. So I called Shelly and she tells me that the Game Day starts at 3pm. So we met up with John and Shelly (minus Maggie who was with Grandparents) and hung out, shopped and ate lunch until 3pm rolled around. Then we went back to the fellowship and played games for a couple of hours before heading back home. Got home about 7pm the rest of the day being completely shot.

We played a really cool game at the Game Day, though. Pirates of the Spanish Main is a really cool miniature battle game where the ships are pieced together from parts printed on credit card stock. It's a very neat idea. There's a few oddities about the game mechanics, though. Like if you sink a ship, you and the player that owns the ship split the booty from the ship rather than it simply being lost to the bottom of the sea. To win, you've got to get over 50% of the treasure in the game... this is sometimes hard to do if there's an even number of gold in the game. The gold is distributed to the islands randomly at the start of the game, so if you get lucky and the islands closest to you have more than 50% of the gold and you've got some fast ships, you can get there, get the gold and race back to your home island and win without a shot ever being fired.

I definitely have some ideas for house rules that I'd add to the game, but I'll save that until later when I might have a chance to test those ideas.


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