Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Blog moved... Done

Got all of the old entries ported from PHPNuke over here. There were a few entries that needed some editing due to the way Blogger handles tables and such. Basically I needed to cram all of the table code together because the system interpreted each CR as a new line so there was a huge amount of white space before my tables.

Anyway, got that done.

On the home front...

We have a rule in the house that Dee gets to put any loose change we find into her piggy bank. She really like to put money in her piggy bank. Normally when I get home I hear "DADDY!!!" as soon as I walk in the door and she runs up and wants hugs. Yesterday, however, she yells "DADDY!!!" and runs up to me, pats my pocket, hears the jingle and starts saying, "change? change? change? change?" So now it looks like I'm gonna be patted down and frisked when I get home instead of hugs.

On the blog front...

In the process of moving the blog over here I had to make lots of entries one after the other. After a day of this, the system apparently decided that I might be a spam blogger. A spam blogger is an auto blogger that simply posts lots of links to the spammer's website in hopes of driving up traffic and google scores.

Anyway, once the system made this decision it added a "Word Verification" step to my posting page. You know the type that shows you a string of characters in a wacky font and asks you to type in the letter you see. Apparently this is because the spam bots won't be able to recognize the letter and therefore will be blocked from spam posting.

However, I'm sure that there's someone out there close to hacking this and having a program that can read these letters. So then to admins will have to come up with somethign more elaborate to tell the human posters from the machines. Eventually this will escalate to the point where you're gonna have to take a psych test every time you want to post an entry...

"You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise. It’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?"


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