Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Diet Update

We actually ended up going to Central market to see if they had shark. My wife suggested this. I can think of three possible explanations why...

  1. She really likes Central Market

  2. She thinks I do.

  3. She really wanted to find out what shark tastes like.

I, on the other hand, don't really like Central Market and I'm pretty sure that shark tastes like fish. In any case, they didn't have any shark. Apparently it's out of season right now. I didn't even know there was a "shark season" other than on the Discovery Channel.

Instead we got haddock and salmon. When I asked for the salmon, the girl at the seafood counter asked me which kind, ____ or ____ (I don't remember what they were). I didn't really know which kind I wanted.

Now, I know a lot of people who, like me, have no clue about this sort of thing would try to play this off as if they knew exactly which one they wanted and chose one of the options at random and hoped that it didn't suck. This is especially true in a place like Central Market and doubly so at the seafood counter where you've got a lot of people browsing the expansive selection and seemingly knowing a lot more about seafood than I do.

I, on the other hand, really have no problem in letting my ignorance about certain topics show through. I'm competent in enough topics to be comfortable in exposing my vulnerabilities in places where I have really limited experience. So I asked, "what's the difference." The blank look on her face told me two things...

  1. Most people don't ask that question.

  2. she didn't really know.

Granted, her shock from item 1 may have caused item 2 to merely appear to be the case. Either way it took her a couple of seconds to collect her thoughts before offering that ____ had a more buttery taste. Since she didn't offer any information on the other one, I had absolutely no reason to have opted for that one so I chose the buttery tasting ____. I could have asked for more information, but that bit of info coupled with the price per pound marked at the front of the display was sufficient at the time for me to chose one that hopefully would not taste like shit.


On the menshealth.com site, I finally found where to click to regenerate my diet after making some changes. That has made it much easier to tailor my diet. I still haven't got it quite to the point where I want it, but it's getting closer.


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