Saturday, March 17, 2007

Severe Update

I guess it's time for me to post an update...

I'm no longer working for a "major electronics retailer." And now that I've severed ties with said comany, I am now free to reveal that said company was RadioShack. Most of you who read this (all three of you) pretty much knew this but also knew why I had to keep said information out of my blog.

Anyway. On Feb 19 I was pulled aside by my manager and told that as a result of further cutbacks my position had been eliminated. I kinda felt there was more to the story than that, but that's all they were saying and since I was geting a full severance package I didn't really give a shit.

So now I'm working on movies, games, web design, eBay and even some photography projects. I'm much happier not hoving to work for a company which is obviously circling the drain but at the same time I'm a little frantic because I basically have 6 months to get enough cash flowing that I don't have togo out and get another 9-5.

Wish me luck. (or better yet... hire me for your web design projects, photography needs or invest in one of our movie projects)