Monday, June 14, 2004

La Leche League Weekend

We went to a La Leche League conference this weekend in San Antonio. It was pretty cool. We attended several sessions on everything from good nutrition for the baby to the benefits of co-sleeping. Dr. Robert Sears was there. He's one of the sons of Dr. William Sears author of The Baby Book and others.

We stayed in the Adam's Mark Hotel. This has got to be one of the worst hotels I've stayed in. The rooms were filthy. When we put Dee down to crawl on the floor her knees and feet got black as soot! The elevators were woefully inadequate for handling convention traffic. The hotel restaurant was AMAZINGLY overpriced. (I've stayed in nice hotels all over the US and Canada so I'm generally prepared for the typical hotel prices, but this was above and beyond my experience.) The hotel had an extreme shortage of high-chairs. You would think that a hotel that is hosting a parenting conference where the parents are expected to bring their children might make special arrangements to be sure to have enough high-chairs. Did they? Of course not! On the plus side, the hotel is on the San Antonio River walk. On the minus side, it's on the far north part of the river walk and on the side of the river walk that is not stroller friendly (or wheelchair accessible). While this last point is not the hotel's fault, it certainly doesn't help the overall experience. Also, the hotel offers no shuttle service to tourist attractions (like the Alamo) or shopping centers. Additionally, it was virtually impossible to get any kind of useful information from the Concierge. The most they'd offer were some xeroxed maps with some poorly placed X's on them.

All that aside, we still had a good time and learned a lot. I won't hesitate to go to another conference, but I hope the organizers put a bit more thought into their hotel selection in the future.


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