Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Oh, What a Night!

I had to be at work at 9PM last night so we could have a conference call with our Asia offices.

So I'm driving home about 10pm. I drive down Altamesa Blvd and there's this apartment complex called Railridge Apartments there. As I'm approaching the front of these apartments, there's a little red pickup truck out in the median area and he seems to be waiting for traffic to pass before turning out into the street. Well, guess what! He apparently got tired of waiting because he pulled out right in front of me and I hit him! I didn't hit hard I had locked up the brakes (my supposedly anti-lock brakes) and had nearly stopped when I tapped him. So I turn on my flashers and check over my shoulder for traffic so I can pull over and when I look back around he's two blocks away! That little bastard ran off! So I called 911 and had to wait like 45 minutes for a cop to show up. There wasn't really any damage to my truck, in fact you could hardly even tell that my bumper had even touched anything, so we didn't bother filing a full report, but he took down all my info and the details about the other truck (I wish I'd gotten the fool's license plate). At least that way if the little bugger tries to come back later and file a report or something it'll be on record that I stayed and he didn't.

But that's still not the end.

So I get home about 11pm fully expecting Terri and Dee to be asleep. But when I open the door, Dee's sitting in the middle of the living room playing and Terri's on the couch looking haggard. So we end up driving Dee around for about 45 minutes to get her to go to sleep. We finally got back home about midnight with a sleeping baby. But that only lasted till about 2AM! About then, Dee woke up again and started fussing. I think her teeth were bothering her. We gave her some baby Tylenol and tried to get her to go back to sleep but she was restless for pretty much the rest of the night.

Excuse me while I go take a nap...


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