Monday, October 18, 2004

Camping Trip Summary

Took Terri and Dee camping this weekend. We went down to Stubblefield Lake Campground which is on the north end of Lake Conroe. It was very nice there. The camp site was right down on the water. It's the kind of place that always makes me wish I had a kayak or a canoe.

We met up with a bunch of Terri's pagan friends there. Some of them went to the Texas Renaissance Festival. The rest of us just hung out at the camp site.

Dee seemed to have a lot of fun. The hardest part was keeping her from eating the dirt. There were a couple of other kids for her to play with there as well as a dog.

It'd been over two years since Terri and I had gone camping and we're definately out of practice. We used to have this down, but we forgot a lot of the simple stuff. Fortunately we could generally rely on someone else having brought what we forgot, so it all worked out without any trips into town.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

MBCG3AM Update 2

440 envelopes sent out.

0 envelopes received back.

The Sound of...

This post has been removed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Our New Digs

This post will actually be mostly about the bathroom.

The restrooms at our new building leave something to be desired. Mainly a decent restroom.

Let's start with t he waterless urinals. That's right, waterless urinals. There's no flushing or anything. It's basicaly just a hole to piss in. Needless to say by the end of the day there's quite a smell and a collection of pubes accumulated in the bowl.

Then there's the toilets. These have got to be the most uncomfortable toilet seats I've ever seen. The front part comes up quite a bit and presses into the backs of your legs.

The sinks have an automatic soap dispenser that never seems to activate the first time you put your hand under it, but usually manages to spit the soap on the back of your hand as you're pulling it out for another try. The faucet has no temp control and is also motion activated. It's hard to keep it flowing and of course the soap dispenser will sometimes activate while you're trying to rinse your hands.

Housekeeping jams the paper towel dispenser too full so it's impossible to get a paper towel out in one piece so you end up with little shreds of paper towel on the floor where people drop them and are too lazy to pick them up.

The wast bins are not just open on top, they have a little lid that you have to push down to put the paper towel in. Unfortunately on one of tehse, whenever housekeeping opens the cabinet up to put in more paper towels, the lid pops up and so when they close it the lid is not above the rim so you can't push it down to get anything in the trash.

There's also a HUGE grandaddy longleg spider on the ceiling. He's been there since we moved in so I'm figuring that he was actually here first and they just built the building around him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Monthly Post

Well it's been almost a month since I posted anything here. So here's the big update.

We've finally moved into our new corporate headquarters here at work. It's very nice and new. Lots of nice new tech. But there are a few drawbacks. they put one of our work areas WAAAAAY on the other side of our campus so we have to hike all the way over there to do any testing in the screen room. We've ended up with a lot less space than we had in the old building, so we're having to be creative about where to put stuff. Overall I like it, but it's going to take some time to get used to it.

Dee's walking very well now. She actually ran a little yesterday. She picked up a couple of her shoes, held them over her head, let out a squeel and ran down the hall. She's learning new things every day. It's fun to watch her play and discover how the world works.