Thursday, May 26, 2005

Low-carb heaven

I mentioned previously that I'm doing the low-carb lifestyle. I think it's important to consider it as a "lifestyle" rather than a diet. On other diets you can cheat a little without worrying about it too much. On the low-carb plan, if you cheat, it really messes you up. Because when your body is geared to run primarily on protien and fat, dumping a bunch of carbs in there throws your system out of whack for several days. I think that's where a lot of people go wrong when they try to go low-carb. They probably treat it like every other diet they've tried and figure they can do it a little, then cheat a bit and it should still work.

I found a great program on FitTV called Blaine's Low-Carb Kitchen. Blaine's got a great philosophy about low-carb food, "it's got to taste great first and be low-carb second." I really love that. The first time I did low-carb I ate pretty much the same thing every day: an omelet for breakfast, a couple of hamburger patties and a salad for lunch and a steak for supper. Now I can cook up some of these great recipes from Blaine. Every one of the recipes I've tried so far is absolutely fantastic!

Another thing I like about his show is that he's losing weight as he's showing us how to fix these great low-carb dishes. He does a weigh-in at the end of every show. At the end of the last show released so far, I think he's lost somewhere around 65 lbs.


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