Monday, June 20, 2005

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day. We took Dee out to the Fort Worth Nature Center and saw the Buffalo and walked the Cap Rock trail. Evidently this is a family thing because I called my dad last night and he said that he and mom went out and looked at some zebras on a ranch out in east Texas. Maybe this is the start of a new tradition.

Saturday we went over to some friends' house for the Metroplex Atheist Summer Bash. It was lots of fun. There were about a dozen people there. We ate a lot and sat around and BSed for a while then the kids (Maggie and Dee) went out and played in the kiddie pool.

Dee wasn't real sure about the pool at first. That's probably because it was filled with well water that was BUTT COLD! Eventually she got in and splashed around with Maggie for a while.

All-in-all a very enjoyable weekend.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Why do we care?

This post has been removed.

So I took a break yesterday and when I walked out to the breakroom I noticed about 30 people standing around watching the TV. Thinking that there might have been another terrorist attack, I ask what's going on. When I'm told that they're all standing around waiting for the Michael Jackson verdict (some as long as 30 minutes) I say, "You gotta be shitting me!" and head down the stairs. Every floor in our building has a TV in the break room near the stairs and every floor had gobs of people standing around waiting for the verdict!

This kind of shit makes me wonder if it's MY priorities that are completely out of whack because I don't give a flying shit about any of this crap that seems to capture the public's attention so completely.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Promises from God

According to popular myth, the rainbow is a sign from God that he will never again destroy the Earth by water. Tornados however are another matter. ;-)

Watched a movie this weekend that I hadn't seen in years. The World's Greatest Lover stars Gene Wilder and Carol Kane. I saw this one years ago and thought it was really funny. It still holds up as a very funny and enjoyable movie. A lot of people seem to think that the idea of picking stars by a popular contest exploited by the media is a new phenomenon ala American Idol and other such BS, but here's another fine example that this sort of nonsense has been around for years.

Friday, June 10, 2005

New Blog

After assessing the situation on the internets, it became apparent that there simply weren't enough blogs out there. So, being the decisive, ground-breaking, trail-blazing leader that I am. I set one up for my wife.

I removed the link to it that i had here because she's wanting some level of anonymity.