Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Mmmm Carcass!

Saw this item thanks to my friend John's blog (oops, I mean journal). This has got to be one of the best xmas gifts ever! Right up there with the karaoke deer head. If it wasn't so expensive I'd get one for my bald red-neck uncle.

Other news on the gift-giving font, I bought Terri a YOU PEEKED!!! I know, it's a bit expensive, but I think she'll really enjoy it!

We went over to one of our neighbor's house last night to drop them off a gift as a thank you for keeping an eye on the house while we drove out to Georgia last month for a funeral. When I walked inside, I was surprised to see no less than FOUR (4) fully decorated trees in the living room. In addition there were holiday decorations of every type in every square inch of that house. When we walked toward the back of the house we found... another tree! She also had so many decorations out on her counter that there was no space for anything else. In fact, when she offered Dee a cookie, she had to open the microwave to get it out. She had taken the snacks and stuff that would have normally been kept on the counter and stored them in the microwave because the counter space was taken up by a village diarama. I really feel sorry for her husband. I think he could see that I was kind of staring wide-eyed at the whole scene and kept offering "this is all HER stuff." Poor guy. He kind of reminds me of Richard from "Keeping up Appearances." Don't get me wrong, she's a nice lady and all and a great neighbor, but DAMN!


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