Friday, May 28, 2004

Happy Anniversary to us!

Yesterday was mine and Terri's 15th wedding anniversary. We spent the day together and went out to lunch at a nice sushi restaurant, then went out to dinner at a nice steak restaurant. I also bought her a nice gold necklace. We had a very nice time and Dee was a perfect angel the entire day.

There was one minor mishap yesterday. In our house, CDF stands for Catastrophic Diaper Failure and Dee had one last night. I took her in to get her changed into her pajamas and when I pulled off her shorts I could definately smell poop.When I turned her around I could see that poop was oozing out the back of the diaper! So, I did what any sane person would do... I called for backup. Terri held her while I cleaned up the mess. It took about a dozen wet wipes to get her clean and then another few for me and Terri.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Pass the crack pipe!

This post has been removed.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Andy Kaufman back from the grave?

Andy kaufman always talked about faking his own death. Well, now there's someone out there claiming to be Andy and to have done just that. I'm not sure if this is the real Andy Kaufman or another hoax, but I'm going to keep my eye on it and see what comes of it. makes a pretty good case for this being a hoax.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Go to sleep! Please?

It has been very difficult to get Dee to go to sleep this past week. I don't know what the deal is, but last night, Terri rocked her to sleep around 9:30pm and she was back wide awake by 10:15pm. So we ended up driving her around until about 11:00pm until she finally went back to sleep. Then she woke up about 3:40am this morning. She went back to sleep about 20 minutes later, but she was awake at 7:00am again with no sign of going back to sleep. I'm sure this is just a phase she's going through. I've read similar reports from other parents on the internet, but it's about to drive me and Terri crazy.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Civic duty performed? Check!

Had to call the fire department out to the neighborhood Saturday. There are some powerlines that run through a tree behind my neighbor's house across the street from me. When I went out to mow the yard Saturday there was a crackling noise coming from that direction. Then I saw a spark and smoke! So I called the FD and they came out and the electric people came out shortly after that. I guess they handled it since no houses burned down (I didn't stay around and watch, I had work to do).

Watched The Presidio this weekend. It's not a bad film, but it ends up being a bit anti-climactic. Also the camera work was kind of shakey in parts.

Friday, May 14, 2004

It's all BULLSHIT!

Signed up for Showtime this week so I could get Penn & Teller's Bullshit. I hadn't even known about this show until a friend mentioned it to me earlier this week.

Watched my first episode of it last night. It was about all the New Age Bullshit. Terri watched it with me which surprised me since she's pagan. But most people who call themselves pagan tend to look down on New Agers and refer to them as "White lighters" and other things. But it's all the same to me... Bullshit!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

So cute!

It was so cute! Last night, Dee was playing peek-a-boo with Terri. This was the first time she'd done it on her own. We'd played it with her on several occasions when we'd put a blanket over her face and then pull it away and yell, "peek-a-boo!" or "There's the baby" but this was the first time she did it on her own.

I had her sitting in my lap and there was a curtain within reach that Dee likes to play with. So when she got hold of it, I pulled it in front of her face and said "Where's Dee?" then pulled it away and said, "there's Dee!" Then Terri came in and we started playing it with her (still with me manipulating the curtain), then Dee started doing it on her own! She'd pull the curtain in front of her face and Terri would say, "Where's Dee?" Then Dee would pull the curtain away and Terri would say, "There's Dee!" and Dee would scream with delight and do it again. It was very cute! I wish my video camera had been charged up. I may try to get some video of her doing it tonight if she'll cooperate.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Mother's Day Weekend

Well, let's see... last entry was Thursday... Thirsday night was the Friends finale. I'm not really a "Friends watcher" I've seen it on occasion and I think it's pretty cute, so I decided to TiVo the 2 hour finale. I must say that the clip show was a lot better than the last episode. I think they were trying to wrap up too much in one episode, it just felt too jumbled. Also, my TiVo missed the last two minutes or so of the last episode, but it didn't really bother me.

Friday night Terri and I went out to Red, Hot & Blue. That's got to be one of the best chain BBQ places I've ever been to. This wasn't the first time we'd been there, but I just thought I'd give them a plug here.

I had to come in to work Saturday. In order to meet certain goals this month I've got to double-up because one of my coworkers isn't pulling his weight. Unfortunately there's not really much I can do about it. My boss says that he's got other stuff he's got to work on. Of course, when the end of the month comes if we don't have the numbers to meet the goal, it'll somehow be all my fault.

My boss has a problem. Whatever is on the top of his mind is the highest priority regardless of whatever else we may be working on. Therefore, if something comes up he doesn't seem to have any problem telling me to go work on this new thing to the exclusion of all other projects. Of course then, later, he wants to know how we're doing on the other projects and when I tell him that nothings being done on them because he's got me working on this other stuff, he gets all huffy and says, "it should already be done by now." Right! and it probably would be too if I was actually given time to work on it. I think I'm going to take a new tack with him. Next time he comes in and tells me to work on something other than my high-priority projects I'll tell him, "nope, I can't do that until this is finished." It probably won't work, but then at least I might make him reconsider his off-kilter priorities.

My brother makes me sick. He's one of these "job hoppers" I don't think he's been with any single company for more that a couple of years. I keep telling him that it's going to catch up with him. But this weekend I think he proved me wrong. His latest job hop is landing him in a Director's position at an auditing firm and the pay INCREASE that he's getting for going from one job to another is about what I MAKE! We started talking about it and I realized he's probably been right all along. When you stay with one company (an usually in the same job) you're just given "cost of living" raises that don't cover the cost of living increases PLUS they increase how much you've got to pay for things like health insurance and so forth so it really isn't much of an actual raise. But if you switch to another company every few years, you can get a substantial increase in the move to cover the real costs of living. As such, since I've been with this company for Fifteen Fucking Years (!) I'm probably WAY BELOW the standard pay level for my profession. If I can go to another company I'd at least be getting the standard market value of my job. So... time to polish up the resume!

Yesterday we went over to my brother's inlaws for a Mother's Day celebration. Their house has become a standard gathering place for family functions. They've got a big house with a pool and they're wonderful hosts. So we got Dee out into the pool. She wasn't real sure about it, but she didn't completely freak out. She did cling pretty tightly to me and Terri, though. But I guess that's to be expected. We're planning on signing her up for infant swimming lessons this summer.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

National day of religious silliness

Well, today is the National Day of Religious Silliness where religious folks gather on courthouse steps across the nation and badger the elected officials within to come out and endorse their brand or religious nonesense on the threat of being called evil and unamerican.

Of course, most of those elected officials are of a religious mindset anyway, so it's not that hard for them. But amazingly they do not see any church-state seperation issues involved with a public official publicly endorsing said religious nonesense.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Monkey Work

Spent all yesterday doing monkey work sorting RF and audio connectors at work. Ended up throwing out about 50 lbs of connectors that we don't need. (actually they're being sold off to an outlet store) Even after that, we still had enough to fill two large drawer-cabinets with connectors.

Also, found a kick-ass drug interaction site HERE.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Catching up on my movies and my mom's being a bitch

Watched 3 movies this weekend. The first was "Seventy-8" that was made by some friends of mine. Jon was the 1st AD. It was a pretty good movie, but a bit confusing at times. There were several scenes that really didn't make much sense until a bit later in the movie, but overall a good experience.

Then I watched Thirteen. This is a frightening account of the life of a thirteen year old girl. The girl, Tracy, starts out as a sweet teenager getting good grades and everything until she meets Evie. Then within a matter of weeks she's shoplifting, doing drugs, drinking and even into self-mutilation. It's based on the true-life story of the girl who plays Evie (Nikki Reed). Frightening stuff for any parent and a very good movie.

Also watched The General's Daughter. Not a bad movie, but no real surprises. Pretty much follows the standard formula for a military crime drama (like JAG and others).

Also watched A Room with a View. This has a very good cast and is a very good movie. It's not my typical fare, it's definately in the realm of a Chick Flick. I watched it because I saw it reccomended as a "pro atheist" movie. The main character's romantic interest (played by Julian Sands) is described as a freethinker and described by his father as, "having grown up without any influence of the religious ferver that makes men hate each other." (or something to that effect) All in all it was a good movie, but not something I would have chosen to watch on my own.

Been working on the photo website. So far I've got over 300 photos online. I need to finish commenting them before uploading more.

My mom's being acting like a real bitch since Easter. She was avoiding my calls all last week. I think she even had my dad lie to me to say she wasn't in her office when I called. Anyway... I called Friday afternoon to talk to her, but her secretary said that they'd gone out of town. I asked if they'd gone down to Marksville (they're always running off down there without much notice to go to the casinos). But no, she said they'd left about 4 hours previously to go visit with my brother. I should mention that my brother lives about 45 minutes from me so whenever my parents come up to visit (a 3 hour trip for them), we always get a call so we can all get together. But, alas, no call this time. I'm contemplating what my next move is going to be. I'm thinking about sending her a mother's day card that says, "I hope you enjoyed visiting with Kevin and his family last weekend." Just to let her know that I know what she did. However, she probably doesn't really care. At this point I thinking that she probably figures that she's going to spend eternity in heaven and I wont be there. If that's the case, she shouldn't really mind spending the next 20 or 30 years (the rest of her life) without me. What's 20 or 30 years compared to eternity, right? I'm already making plans to go to Las Vegas or someplace this Xmas. I would rather spend the time with my relatives, but if she's going to be a complete nut-job about it, I'd just as soon be somewhere else.