Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Deck them Halls

Bought about $150 worth of new christmas Solstice decorations last night.

I was inspired a bit by this guy who programmed his lights to flash in time with music.

When I first saw it, I thought it was edited together from a bunch of stills. But then I found out that he'd actually programmed them to flash in time with the music using Light-o-Rama. I think it's a bit too late to start something like this for this year. Maybe next year. hehehe

Anyway, we got some icicle lights to hang from the eaves. Normally I just outline the roof, but we decided to go with icicles this year. I also got some miniature outdoor lighted trees with the plans of doing a miniature lighted forest in the front yard. However, given that I only got 4 trees (two 3' trees and two 2' trees) it'll be a bit heavy on the miniature and light on the forest. (no pun intended... really!)

I also picked up a couple of strings of red miniature lights with the plans of making the posts on the front porch into candy canes (or barber poles depending on your point of view). I tried to find some miniature white lights (rather than clear) to go with them but wasn't able to find any so I'll have to go with the clear for now.

I'll try to post some pictures when I get it all up and the electric meter is spinning like Karl Rove on a heavy news day.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

MMmmm... Free Gum!

We have these waterless urinals at work. I mention this because this morning some idiot had spat his gum into one of them. It doesn't really affect me as I'm not the poor sap who has to fish it out, but I noticed it because it wasn't going to go anywhere until said sap came in and fished it out. That was this morning.

I just went back in there and noticed the gum was gone and the guy walking away from the urinal zipping his fly was chewing gum with a big smile on his face. I immediately put two and two together and came up with some bizarre derivative of pi and imagined him thinking, "Mmmmm, Free gum!" as he walked away.

Monday, November 21, 2005

MBCG3AM Final Update

Here's the final tally on the Monopoly Best Chance Game 3.0 at McDonald's.

Envelopes sent: about 1000 (I lost count)

Envelopes received: about 1000 (I lost count again)

Best buy buck coupons received: 968

Copies of the rules stating that Best Buy bucks would only be sent out as long as supplies last: about 30.

Total invested in postage and envelopes: $750.

Total amount received in Best Buy Bucks: $1613.

Profit: +$863

I had to make several trips to Best Buy as you are only allowed to spend a max of $300 per visit according to the rules.

Nearly every time I went, the cashier was surprised that I had so many and they were a bit confused about how to handle that many. The management was always suspicious about how I got so many. Apparently they didn't realize that you could get them legally without eating a ton of McD's food.

The last trip was the worst. The managers actually had to confer to determine if I was allowed to have that many. They'd seen me in the store before with a bunch of them and were inquiring again as to how I got so many and whether or not I worked at McDonald's and all manner of stuff.

If we do this again next year I'll probably spread it around a bit. There's no reason in the rules for having to do so, but it could ease the process if the managers aren't seeing me come into the same store over and over with a fist full of best buy bucks every time.

Pulling out early

A lot of people talk about the war in Iraq like it's a real simple problem. Some say that we need to stay and finish the job and others say we need to pull out now.

I tend to agree with the people who say we need to stay there and help rebuild but it's not that easy.

I liken it to getting drug to a party by a friend who then trashes the host's house. Two immediate reactions come to mind. 1) get him the hell out of there now, apologizing while you drag him over the threshold and 2) make him stay and help clean up.

So in order to try and do the right thing, you make him stay and clean up his mess. The problem is that he's still causing damage in the clean-up effort and other people are also causing damage while trying to get him to just get the hell out.

That's not really a fair analogy because Iraq certainly wasn't a party before we got there and some of the people who are trying to make us leave shouldn't be there either. We've done some good things over there like removing Saddam from power (even though I think that could have been accomplished in other ways). But the aftermath is starting to take its toll. Also, you can think of the damage in that analogy as broken dishes, windows, walls etc. and it's easy to rationalize one way or the other. But in Iraq, it's not so easy. The broken dishes are people's lives. And we're not talking about just soldiers or "insurgents" here but children as well. There was an article in the news today that our army opened fire on a minivan and killed some children because they were afraid that the van was a carrying a bomb.

So what do we do? Do we leave the country and hope everything turns out alright? We'll get blasted by the international community for hitting and running (again). But at least we won't be over there killing people's children.

On the other hand, there are other people over there who are actually wanting to do harm. Those are the people we really need to get under control. If we leave, will they just run rampant over the whole country? Are they doing it anyway? Would it get better or worse if we leave?

If we stay, people will keep attacking our troops and our troops will attack back. In such a situation people will get killed. Some of them will be combatants, but some of the will be bystanders. Some of them will be children.

So does the question come down to whether the situation will be better if we stay or if we leave? There's even more we have to consider than that, though. Do the Iraqi people want us there? I'm pretty sure the soldiers don't want to be there and I don't want any of my friends or family that are in the military to be sent to Iraq. Does the international community want us there? I'm pretty sure what the family of those children in the minivan would say.

You could argue the rest of your life about whether we should even be there in the first place. But we are there and the question is now "what do we do about it?" I don't think Bush or any of his cronies have a plan. I think they figure if they keep enough troops on the ground it'll work itself out. Might makes right as it were.

Unfortunately what we've come to understand is that "right makes might." By that I mean that the religious right in this country seems bound and determined to use might to get their message across. We've seen that there's no low they won't stoop to in politics (even against their own party) and that throwing their might around in other countries is not a "last ditch effort" but a "preferred option." Every time this country spends money on a military endeavor, Bush and his cronies get richer. That's why they prefer the military option over the diplomatic. There's no money in diplomacy.

The end result? Children half-way around the world who should have no cares greater than going to school and playing are killed in a senseless act of violence so that the rich can keep getting richer.

Happy holidays.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My Stupid State

I can't believe my state actually voted for a state amendment to ban gay marriages. Actually I can believe it because this is Texas after all (state motto: no inteleksuels alowed).

But honestly, I don't think that the amendment really conveys the sentiment that they were trying to get across.

As it is, it simply states that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Thereby implying that it is NOT a union between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. But I think what they REALLY meant to put in was that marriage is a union between a white christian man and a white christian woman. Because obviously to these people anything else is simply an abomination to god. In fact to be totally honest they may want to take it a step further and say that marriage is a union between a white christian man and a white christian woman where the man provides an income of at least $100,000 per year and the woman stays home and raises the children and is subservient to her husband.

Yes, I think that would just about cover it.